To create an imaginative, inspiring and beautiful place. The garden or landscape is a spiritual place where we seek sanctuary, peace and beauty: a place to enjoy. The garden should have a sense of quietness created from the marriage of space, mood and location: a living entity.
We offer a complete service and are able to bring additional skills to the job including Dry Stone Walling , Stonework, complex Brickwork and Carpentry. We take pride in undertaking construction of high quality at all stages.
The soft Landscaping covers all areas of work including shaping and grading the ground. The preparation of the ground for lawn and flower beds needs to be done well to give the planting what it needs to thrive. The implementation of the planting scheme is the final stage in the project. Our teams in London, Swansea and Warwickshire all take great in all aspects of the project.
Water is a beautiful addition to almost any garden whether it be a small self contained feature or a large wildlife pond. There is a tranquil and reflective nature to water in the garden
Including lighting and power points in your garden needs to be thought about in detail at an early stage of the design process as it can be more expensive and sometimes unsightly if added as an afterthought. A subtly illuminated garden at night can look very beautiful as well as extending the time in which you can enjoy it.